Hitachi to invest US$13.7bn in sustainable solutions over the next three years

1 min read

Hitachi has announced that it will spend ¥1.5 trillion (US$13.7bn) over a three-year period on R&D technologies to foster digital innovation.

This will include research and development of high-efficiency products, energy management systems and hydrogen-related technologies to help unlock digital innovation to achieve a decarbonized society.

Hitachi has also underlined its commitment to address climate change by strengthening its own climate target to contribute to a net zero society by achieving carbon neutrality through its entire value chain including production, procurement and the use of products and services by FY2050. This bolsters the existing commitment of reaching carbon neutrality at all its factories and offices globally by FY2030.

This new target revises Hitachi’s previous target of 80% reduction by FY2050 which was set in 2016. Hitachi will contribute to the reduction of its customer’s CO2 emissions and continue to reduce environmental impact from the design stage in all its products to help develop world-class energy efficiency.

Hitachi is also committed to working with partners in its supply chain, through its sustainable procurement guideline, issued in July 2021.

Alistair Dormer, chief environmental officer of Hitachi, Ltd., said, “Digital technology has a key role to play in helping society reach net zero and today’s announcement is another sign of Hitachi’s commitment. As a Principal Partner of COP26 and a social, purposeful business, we need to do much more than put our own house in order. Green technology in a digital world is a real engine for growth and it’s an exciting time to help cities, governments and companies cut carbon whilst accelerating our own potential as a climate change innovator.”

Read more: Hitachi Rail's CEO, Andrew Barr, explains why he believes batteries are the best bet for faster decarbonization of rail.